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항생제의 위협 The antibiotic threat -1

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이번 글 'The antibiotic threat (항생제의 위협)'은 5일에 나누어서 쓸 거예요.

오늘의 필사 내용입니다.  Day -1


LearnEnglish with Tony series 8-11

The antibiotic threat -1


A few years ago, I went through a period where every time I flew back to the UK to visit my family, I caught a bug or a chest infection on the flight. Now, it's a long flight between Tokyo and London, around 12 hours.


So, there's plenty of time to pick up any nasty infections that are in the air. But even so, I found it really frustrating, and it kind of ruined the first half of my trip every time!


All I could do to get any relief before my return flight was to waste a day trying to see a doctor, hoping they'd give me a ‘prescription', or a doctor's instruction to a pharmacy to issue me with the miracle solution… antibiotics.


Within a couple of days of starting to take them, things improved and I could get on with my holiday. I'm sure you've had a similar experience at some point, where only antibiotics could make you feel better.



항생제의 위협 -1

  1. A few years ago, I went through a period where every time I flew back to the UK to visit my family, I caught a bug or a chest infection on the flight. (몇 년 전, 영국을 가족을 방문하기 위해 비행기로 돌아갈 때마다 항상 비행기에서 벌레나 가슴 감염을 얻었던 시기를 겪었습니다.)
  2. Now, it's a long flight between Tokyo and London, around 12 hours. (지금은 도쿄와 런던 사이의 비행은 길게는 12시간 정도 걸립니다.)
  3. So, there's plenty of time to pick up any nasty infections that are in the air. (따라서 공기 중에 있는 모든 나쁜 감염을 얻을 충분한 시간이 있었습니다.)
  4. But even so, I found it really frustrating, and it kind of ruined the first half of my trip every time! (하지만 그럼에도 불구하고, 나는 정말로 짜증 나게 생각했고, 그것이 매번 내 여행의 첫 절반을 망친 것 같았습니다!)
  5. All I could do to get any relief before my return flight was to waste a day trying to see a doctor, hoping they'd give me a ‘prescription', or a doctor's instruction to a pharmacy to issue me with the miracle solution… antibiotics. (돌아오는 비행 전에 어떤 완화를 얻기 위해 할 수 있는 것은 의사를 만나 보는 시간을 낭비하면서 그들이 나에게 '처방전'을 줄 것을 희망하는 것뿐이었습니다, 또는 의사가 약국에 내게 기적적인 해결책인 항생제를 발급하도록 하는 지시를 내릴 것을 희망했습니다.)
  6. Within a couple of days of starting to take them, things improved and I could get on with my holiday. (항생제를 복용하기 시작한 후 몇 날 후에 상황이 개선되고 휴가를 계속할 수 있었습니다.)
  7. I'm sure you've had a similar experience at some point, where only antibiotics could make you feel better. (여러분도 언젠가 항생제만이 여러분을 더 나게 만들 수 있는 비슷한 경험을 한 적이 있을 것이라고 확신합니다.)


Day-2는 내일 이어집니다. 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.^^




자료 출처 : British Council 'LearnEnglish Podcasts' LearnEnglish with Tony series 8-11



유튜브 채널 주소 : https://www.youtube.com/@ChatGPTs_ShampooFairy

인스타그램 주소 : https://www.instagram.com/chatgpt_shampoofairy

