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구독과 좋아요도 잊지 말아 주세요.^^

이번 글 '폐기물 제로를 향해 나아가다 (Moving towards zero waste)은 5일에 나누어서 쓸 거예요.
오늘의 필사 내용입니다. Day -2
A Better World series 1-4
Moving towards zero waste -2
영어 본문
They have a reusable coffee cup so they don't have to get a paper or plastic cup in their favourite café.
They carry a bamboo straw and cutlery so they don't need to use disposable plastic in fast food restaurants. And they have cotton shopping bags so they don't need to use plastic bags in supermarkets.
They also refill existing bottles of cleaning products rather than buying a new bottle every time. In many countries in Europe there are places called ‘refill stations' where it's possible to take a bottle or jar and get it filled with a cleaning product, like shampoo or laundry detergent.
But when this isn't possible, people aiming to be zero-waste will often make their own cleaning products out of things like baking soda, vinegar, borax and castile soap rather than buy plastic bottles full of mysterious chemicals.
YouTube is a great source of ideas for people who are trying to make their own cleaning products.
폐기물 제로를 향해 나아가다 -2
- They have a reusable coffee cup - "그들은 재사용 가능한 커피 컵을 가지고 있습니다."
- so they don't have to get a paper or plastic cup - "그래서 종이 컵이나 플라스틱 컵을 가져올 필요가 없습니다."
- in their favourite café. - "그들이 가장 좋아하는 카페에서."
- They carry a bamboo straw and cutlery - "그들은 대나무 빨대와 수저를 휴대합니다."
- so they don't need to use disposable plastic - "그래서 일회용 플라스틱을 사용할 필요가 없습니다."
- in fast food restaurants. - "패스트 푸드 레스토랑에서."
- And they have cotton shopping bags - "그리고 그들은 면 쇼핑백을 가지고 있습니다."
- so they don't need to use plastic bags - "그래서 비닐 봉투를 사용할 필요가 없습니다."
- in supermarkets. - "슈퍼마켓에서."
- They also refill existing bottles of cleaning products - "그들은 청소 제품의 기존 병을 리필합니다."
- rather than buying a new bottle every time. - "매번 새 병을 사는 대신에."
- In many countries in Europe there are places called ‘refill stations' - "유럽의 많은 국가에서 '리필 스테이션'이라 불리는 장소가 있습니다."
- where it's possible to take a bottle or jar - "병이나 항아리를 가져갈 수 있는 곳이며,"
- and get it filled with a cleaning product, like shampoo or laundry detergent. - "그리고 세제나 샴푸와 같은 청소제로 채울 수 있습니다."
- But when this isn't possible, people aiming to be zero-waste - "하지만 이게 불가능할 때, 제로 웨이스트를 목표로 하는 사람들은"
- will often make their own cleaning products - "자주 자신만의 청소 제품을 만들기도 합니다."
- out of things like baking soda, vinegar, borax, and castile soap - "베이킹 소다, 식초, 보랙스, 카스틸 비누와 같은 것들을 이용해서"
- rather than buy plastic bottles full of mysterious chemicals. - "수수께끼의 화학 물질이 가득한 플라스틱 병을 사는 대신에."
- YouTube is a great source of ideas - "YouTube는 좋은 아이디어의 소스입니다."
- for people who are trying to make their own cleaning products. - "자신만의 청소 제품을 만들려는 사람들에게."
Day-3는 내일 이어집니다. 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.^^
자료 출처 : British Council 'A Better World series 1-4 'Moving towards zero waste'
유튜브 채널 주소 : https://www.youtube.com/@ChatGPTs_ShampooFairy
인스타그램 주소 : https://www.instagram.com/chatgpt_shampoofairy
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