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지속 가능한 식습관 Sustainable eating habits -1


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이번 글 '지속 가능한 식습관 (Sustainable eating habits)' 은 5일에 나누어서 쓸 거예요.

오늘의 필사 내용입니다.  Day -1


A Better World series 1-3

Sustainable eating habits -1

영어 본문

Today we're going to look at veganism and other sustainable ways of eating. Veganism is the practice of avoiding all products that harm animals.


This includes obvious things like not eating meat or fish, but also less obvious things like never wearing cosmetics that have been tested on animals and avoiding clothes that contain animal products like silk or wool.


Some vegans also refuse to support zoos and animals in entertainment, or in the workplace like dogs and horses used by the military or police. The most extreme vegans oppose pet ownership.


Veganism is the practice, and someone who follows the practice is called a vegan. Vegan can also be an adjective - vegan diet, vegan cheese, vegan leather for example.



지속 가능한 식습관 Sustainable eating habits -1

Today we're going to look at -"오늘은 다루어볼 예정입니다."

veganism and other sustainable ways of eating. - "비건주의와 다른 지속 가능한 식습관에 대해."

Veganism is the practice - "비건주의는 실천입니다." 

of avoiding all products that harm animals. - "동물을 해치는 모든 제품을 피하는 것입니다."


This includes obvious things, - "이것은 분명한 사항을 포함합니다,"

like not eating meat or fish, - "예를 들면, 고기나 생선을 먹지 않는 것을 말합니다."

but also less obvious things," - "하지만, 덜 분명한 사항도 포함합니다,"

like never wearing cosmetics that have been tested on animals" - "예를 들면, 동물 실험을 거친 화장품을 사용하지 않는 것을 말합니다,"

and avoiding clothes that contain animal products like silk or wool." - "그리고 실크나 양털과 같은 동물성 원료가 들어간 의류를 피하는 것도 포함합니다."


Some vegans also refuse to support zoos" - "일부 비건은 동물원을 지원하지 않습니다."

and animals in entertainment," - "그리고 연예 분야의 동물을 지원하지 않습니다."

or in the workplace like dogs and horses used by the military or police.- "또는 군대나 경찰에서 사용되는 개나 말과 같은 직장에서의 동물을 지원하지 않습니다."

The most extreme vegans oppose pet ownership.- "가장 극단적인 비건들은 애완동물 소유를 반대합니다."



Day-2는 내일 이어집니다. 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.^^


자료 출처 : British Council 'A Better World series 1-3 'Sustainable eating habits'


유튜브 채널 주소 : https://www.youtube.com/@ChatGPTs_ShampooFairy

인스타그램 주소 : https://www.instagram.com/chatgpt_shampoofairy




