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지속 가능한 식습관 Sustainable eating habits -3


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이번 글 '지속 가능한 식습관 (Sustainable eating habits)' 은 5일에 나누어서 쓸 거예요.
오늘의 필사 내용입니다.  Day -3
A Better World series 1-3
Sustainable eating habits -3
영어 본문
Likewise, eggs from local free-range chickens might be a more environmentally friendly and affordable protein source than tofu that has been produced overseas and shipped by air in a refrigerated container.
On top of all that, a practice can't be called sustainable if it's simply too difficult for most of the population to do - so perhaps we should consider veganism to be a lifestyle that could be very sustainable in the future, but for now is difficult for most people.
Other concepts that are similar to vegan and veganism are vegetarian, pescatarian and plant-based. Vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy products but won't eat meat or fish, whereas a pescatarian includes fish but no meat.
Someone who follows a plant-based diet is usually very health focussed and eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. They normally don't eat eggs or dairy but are often happy to use animal products like leather and honey.
지속 가능한 식습관 Sustainable eating habits -3
Likewise, eggs from local free-range chickens might be a more environmentally friendly- "마찬가지로, 지역에서 방목 방식으로 기른 닭의 알은 더 환경 친화적일 수 있습니다."
and affordable protein source -"그리고 저렴한 단백질 공급원일 수 있습니다."
than tofu that has been produced overseas - "외국에서 생산된 두부보다"
and shipped by air in a refrigerated container.- "그리고 냉동 화물로 비행기로 운송된 것입니다."
On top of all that, a practice can't be called sustainable- "게다가, 실천이 지속 가능하다고 부를 수 없습니다."
if it's simply too difficult for most of the population to do -"대부분의 인구에게 너무 어렵다면 -"
so perhaps we should consider veganism to be a lifestyle- "그래서 아마도 우리는 비건주의를 라이프스타일로 고려해야 할 것입니다."
that could be very sustainable in the future,- "미래에 매우 지속 가능한 것이 될 수 있지만,"
but for now is difficult for most people.- "하지만 현재로서는 대부분의 사람들에게 어려운 것입니다."
Other concepts - "다른 개념은"
that are similar to vegan and veganism are vegetarian, pescatarian, and plant-based.- "비건과 비건주의와 유사한 것으로는 채식주의, 페스케타리언, 그리고 식물 기반이 있습니다."
Vegetarians will consume eggs and dairy products- "채식주의자는 달걀과 유제품을 소비할 것입니다."
but abstain from consuming meat or fish,- "하지만 고기나 생선을 섭취하지 않을 것입니다."
whereas a pescatarian includes fish- "한편, 페스케타리언은 생선을 포함합니다."
but refrains from meat.- "하지만 고기를 섭취하지 않습니다."
Someone who follows a plant-based diet is usually very health-focused- "식물 기반 식단을 따르는 사람은 보통 건강을 중시합니다."
and eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.- 그리고 신선한 과일과 채소를 많이 섭취합니다."
They normally don't eat eggs or dairy -  "그들은 일반적으로 달걀이나 유제품을 먹지 않습니다."
but are often happy to use animal products like leather and honey.- "하지만 가죽이나 꿀과 같은 동물 제품을 사용하는 것을 종종 즐깁니다."


Day-4는 내일 이어집니다. 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.^^


자료 출처 : British Council 'A Better World series 1-3 'Sustainable eating habits'


유튜브 채널 주소 : https://www.youtube.com/@ChatGPTs_ShampooFairy

인스타그램 주소 : https://www.instagram.com/chatgpt_shampoofairy

